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Author: Aleister Crowley
His work from 1898-1902, mainly on religion and mythology, Reflects a time in his life when he was awakening to a new mystical and spiritual level. It can also be seen how Crowley continued to grow and mature in the two remaining volumes, as well. Crowley’s poetic style and mystical vocabulary are unique and go beyond that of everyday poets. His plays are also interesting. Crowley said that the last play, “Tanhauser: The Story of All Time,” contained the theory of special relativity, which Einstein clarified more fully three years later, in 1905. This volume contains four poems, five plays, four sections of shorter poems, an Epilogue, and an interesting Appendix on Qabalistic Dogma.
ISBN 9781585093502 • Size: 6×9 • 280 pages • Price: $22.95