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Author: Gerald B. Gardner
From the “father of modern witchcraft” comes his best known work, Witchcraft Today. It is the first book to reveal the true origins of witchcraft and how it became what it is today. According to Wiccans, this book forms the basis for what the Wiccan religion really is, and has therefore been sought after for many years. It is considered to be the definitive work on their religion and beliefs.
This is a complete reproduction of the first edition, which includes a Foreword by Dr. Margaret Murray. Some additional photos were added, along with an Introduction by the esteemed Wiccan author, Raymond Buckland. This book should be in the library of every serious practitioner of Wicca or those interested in an accurate, historical portrayal of this fascinating form of belief.
ISBN 9781585094325 • 160 pages • 6×9 • $14.95