Ancient History / Human Origins

Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.

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God Games ( Hardcover )

Categories: Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog, Hardcover Editions|Tags: |

God Games

Subtitle: What Do You Do Forever?

Author: Neil Freer

Introduction: Zecharia Sitchin

Outlines the human evolutionary scenario far into the future. Describes what’s in store for us as our dawning genetic enlightenment reveals the new human, and the racial maturity of a new planetary civilization on the horizon. We can all contribute to our future as we evolve from a slave species to far beyond what we could previously imagine. With the godspell broken, humans will create our own realities and play our own “god games.” Once we understand our true genetic history we will eventually move beyond the gods, religion, linear consciousness and even death. Great thinkers in the future may consider this book to be one that opened the door to a new paradigm and our full evolutionary potential.

ISBN 9781585095735 • 312 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $36.95

Flying Serpents and Dragons ( Hardcover )

Categories: Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog, Hardcover Editions|Tags: |

Flying Serpents and Dragons

Subtitle: The Story of Mankind’s Reptilian Past

Author: R. A. Boulay

A highly original work that deals a shattering blow to all our preconceived notions about our past and human origins. Worldwide legends refer to giant flying lizards and dragons that came to this planet and founded the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China.

Who were these reptilian creatures?
What was the real reason for man’s creation?
Why did Adam lose his chance at immortality in the Garden of Eden?
Who were the Nefilim who descended from heaven and mated with human women?
Why did the serpent take such a bad rap in history?
Why didn’t Adam and Eve wear clothes?
Why did the ancient Sumerians call their major gods USHUMGAL, which means “great fiery, flying serpent?”
What were the “boats of heaven” in ancient Egypt and the “sky chariots” of the Bible?

ISBN 9781585095292 • 276 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $34.95


Categories: Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog, Hardcover Editions|Tags: |

Dragon Legacy

Subtitle: The Secret History of an Ancient Bloodline

Author: Nicholas de Vere

Outlines in detail the ancient dragon bloodline – where it came from and what it really means. Were those who carried this bloodline blessed with great powers? What influence did they have on the ancient world? Did the elves, fairies and vampires from long ago really exist?

If so, who were they? Why was blood and this particular bloodline so important?

What kind of magic once existed and how was it lost? This well-researched book unveils many mysteries for those who have wondered about our ancient past.

ISBN 9781585095179 • Size: 6×9 • 432 pages • Price: $44.95

THE DRAGON CEDE ( Hardcover )

Categories: Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog, Hardcover Editions|Tags: |

Dragon Cede

Author: Nicholas de Vere

For those interested in the Grail families or who wish to study the ancient mythological, legendary and historical origins of the dragon lineage. Contains the most comprehensive genealogies of the Houses of Vere, Weir and Collison published to date. Also published for the first time is the “Dragon Descent of Jesus Christ from Satan,” a secret hidden for centuries by a few Gnostic sects, which calls into question some ancient identities and interrelationships of prominent figures. The Interview with Tracy Twyman reveals the true purpose Jesus had for Mary Magdalene, her cosmic identity and the real nature of his clandestine “church.” In the excerpts from the work by Leonid Korablev, “The True Elves of Europe,” we are introduced to the factual origin of Tolkien’s Elves and their true basis in history. Extensive genealogies, plus numerous biographical notes and passages concerning the Grail line and the Vere family.

ISBN 9781585095490 • 480 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $54.95

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