Ancient History / Human Origins

Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.

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Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form

Categories: Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf|Tags: |

Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form

Subtitle: Evidence of Intelligent Contact in the Solar System

Author: Joan d’Arc

Our creation was not Darwinian nor or we alone in the universe. This book illustrates that Darwinian evolution is not an empirically pre- dictable or testable scientific paradigm. It also reveals that ancient artifacts found on Mars and the Moon are evidence of “Game Wardens” in our solar system. Could the Earth be a controlled DNA repository for the ongoing creation and dissemination of life forms, including humans? Read the compelling evidence in this well researched work.

ISBN 1585091278 • 208 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • $18.95


Categories: Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf, New Releases|Tags: |

Return of the Fallen Ones 2nd Edition

Subtitle: Nephilim Histories, the Antediluvian World, Anunnaki Chronology and the Coming Cataclysm

Author: Jason M. Breshears

There are stories of the gods who in ancient times descended to Earth and brought knowledge and civiliza- tion to mankind. The oldest stories were from ancient Sumer and these gods were called the Anunnaki or Nephilim, also known as the Fallen Ones. They were considered fallen after co-mingling with the daughters of men, so their realm became the Earth rather than the “heaven” from which they came. Their offspring were said to be giants and these myths and legends are found throughout the world. The author spent years of study to reveal an accurate, chronological history of these ancient beings, unveiling in this book a calendar of events more accurate than anything previously known.

This book takes vast research on worldwide myths, earth changes documented from cultures worldwide, and the author’s immense work on planetary cycles to predict the return of these fallen ones, their planet, and the chaos and catastrophe that always came with them.

ISBN 9781585091577 • 180 pages • Size: 8 1/2 x 11 • Price: $26.95

Flying Serpents and Dragons

Categories: Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog|Tags: |

Flying Serpents and Dragons

Subtitle: The Story of Mankind’s Reptilian Past

Author: R. A. Boulay

A highly original work that deals a shattering blow to all our preconceived notions about our past and human origins. Worldwide legends refer to giant flying lizards and dragons that came to this planet and founded the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China.

Who were these reptilian creatures?
What was the real reason for man’s creation?
Why did Adam lose his chance at immortality in the Garden of Eden?
Who were the Nefilim who descended from heaven and mated with human women?
Why did the serpent take such a bad rap in history?
Why didn’t Adam and Eve wear clothes?
Why did the ancient Sumerians call their major gods USHUMGAL, which means “great fiery, flying serpent?”
What were the “boats of heaven” in ancient Egypt and the “sky chariots” of the Bible?

ISBN 1885395388 • 276 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $19.95

Also available in Hardcover


Categories: Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf|Tags: |

When the Gods Return

Subtitle: Past Shock – Book 4

Author: Jack Barranger

We are being prepared, through the media and movies, for the day when we experience contact with alien beings. Aliens have been shown to be nice, and sometimes even cute and cuddly. The author says beware. When ancient man first made contact with these beings, they called themselves “gods” and demanded to be worshipped. Religion was born, which has caused more bloodshed and warfare than any invention of man.

The gods divided us, made us fight their wars, and the religions of today maintain this servitude. Now that we are finally learning how to move past this confusion, signs are appearing that these gods may return to exploit us again. This book shows what we should do in the event of such a drastic scenario.

ISBN 9781585091430 • 114 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95


Categories: Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog|Tags: |

Freedom from Religion

Subtitle: Past Shock – Book 3

Author: Jack Barranger

Why does religion enslave people’s minds as much as jails do to their bodies? And why do the victims try so hard to enslave others? Mankind has fought more wars over religion than for any other reason. How can we break free from these negative patterns? Barranger is a trained theologian and former teacher of Critical Thinking.

He sees little difference in thought patterns found in mainstream religions and cults because we have within us a “slave chip” that needs to be deprogrammed. He brings us through the process, step by step. For example, he lists The Ten Commandments, then follows them with his own list called The Ten Realizations, which can be used as a blueprint for spiritual freedom. It is often said that the most enslaved people are not even aware that they are in prison.

With that in mind, this book will reveal the prison bars around us. The Introduction says, “Beware: Reading this book could set you free.”

ISBN 9781585091164 • 128 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $14.95

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