Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Talmud
Author: H. Polano
Foreword: Paul Tice
One of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this condensed work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English – although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. Has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believed to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. On par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and the Bible, in importance. This book allows many to experience The Talmud who may not otherwise have the chance.
ISBN 1585092371 • 384 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $27.95
Subtitle: Lost Books of the Old Testament
Author: Rutherford H. Platt
Contains twenty ancient books excluded from the Old Testament. Some were later preserved by the Christian Church as Apocryphal writings, often inserted between the Old and New Testaments. They were originally recognized by the Jews as Pseudepigrapha because they were attributed to people long since passed who did not write them, in an effort to give them sanctity. These are reproduced here. Some titles include
The First and Second Books of Adam and Eve, The Secrets of Enoch, The Psalms of Solomon, The Odes of Solomon, The Story of Ahikar, and The Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs. Adds another interesting dimension to lost Biblical texts.
ISBN 9781585092703 • 280 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $22.95
Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Popular Beliefs
Subtitle: Popular Beliefs: A Comparative Study of Genesis I.2
Author: A. Smythe Palmer
The Bible creation stories had their origins in far older tales. These stories originate from clay tablets discovered in ancient Sumeria and Babylonia. They are the oldest preserved stories in the world, revealed in this interesting book. It seems the “Word of God” may not have come in its entirety from God, but older “gods.”
The earliest sources of our belief systems should be examined and that is the purpose of this book.
ISBN 158509000X • 124 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95

Subtitle: or The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan
Author: Rev. S.C. Malan
First translated into English and made available in 1882, it provides us with more information beyond the standard Biblical account. Reveals the life and times of Adam and Eve after they were expelled from the Garden of Eden, up to when Cain killed his brother Abel. It covers where they went, where they lived, and their various troubles and temptations, including those coming from Satan.
ISBN 1585092495 • 256 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $21.95
Full title: THE LOST APOCRYPHA OF THE OLD TESTAMENT: Their Titles and Fragments
Collected and Translated by Montague Rhodes James
Covers the most ancient, hard to find, lost books relating to the Bible, dating between 100 BCE and 100 CE. In many cases we have only sections and fragments,but quotations from the Ante-Nicene Fathers like Origen, Hippolytus and Clement of Alexandria are used to piece together what is missing. Also reveals what we know of other missing books that would otherwise be unheard of. Perfect for those researching lost and ancient texts.
ISBN 9781585092697 • 124 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $13.95