Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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THE KABBALAH: The Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews

Author: Adolphe Franck
First published in French in 1843, this well-known classic is the first book that made the Kabbalah understandable and remains an essential reference today. The positive importance of the Kabbalah is explained, showing that no other doctrine in the history of philosophy or religion gives man a higher rank. It shows how we are in the image of God and are the divine presence on Earth. It explains the origin of man, his future destiny, and his relation to the Divine Being.
The author also presents information on the history of Kabbalah, covering similarities with the Alexandrians, Gnostics, Platonists, Neoplatonists, Philo, and Christianity—but traces the strongest philosophical concepts back to the ancient Zoroastrians. Includes chapters on the Sepher Yetzirah and the Zohar, the two most definitive works on the Kabbalah, and traces them back many centuries before their first known publication. This book is essential for every serious student or practitioner of the Kabbalah.
ISBN 9781585093885 • 226 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $17.95
The Book of Jubilees
Translated by R. H. Charles
This important holy book sheds new light on Judaism and early Christianity. Was written between 250 BC and AD 100 by one or more Hellenistic Jews, and reflects a form of Jewish mystical thought at about the time of Christ. Retells much of the Old Testament, but includes additional material not mentioned in the Bible.
Relies heavily on The Book of Enoch, which was, like this book, translated from the Ethiopic. Covers Adam and Eve, the Fall of Man, Cain and Abel, the fall of the angels and their punishment, the deluge foretold, the ark and the flood, the tower of Babel and confusion of tongues, evil spirits, corruption of the human race, God’s covenant, the Messianic Kingdom, Jacob’s visions, prophetic dreams, more.
ISBN 158509238X • 224 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $18.95
Translated from the Syriac by R. H. Charles
An important text excluded from the Bible. Written in the first person by Baruch, who describes his experiences before and after the destruction of Jerusalem in 67 AD. Is a compilation of prophecies and revelations which have been surprisingly accurate in light of modern history. After World Wars I and II the prophecies became clarified.
Although Charles reflects skepticism of Baruch in some cases, it may no longer be warranted in light of these newer events. It is left to the reader to explore the value of these prophecies. An extensive Index lists all other scriptures that are connected to or closely parallel the text. An important addition for anyone involved in a serious study of apocryphal texts.
ISBN: 9781585092598 • 184 pages • Price: $15.95
The Book of Jasher
Author: Albinus Alcuin
A Suppressed Book that was Removed from the Bible, Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel, translated by Albinus Alcuin (800 AD).
Some sources claim this book was once the original start of the Bible. We do know at one time that it was once part of the Bible, being referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel. It also survived the burning of the Alexandria Library in 389 AD due to a fast acting custodian. Alcuin later did the original translation of it from Hebrew in 800 AD. It became suppressed but rediscovered briefly in 1829. Only now has it become widely known. Special note: A more common 64 page version is in circulation, but is a proven forgery.
ISBN 1585090816 • 304 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $24.95
Attributed to Rabbi Akiba,
Translations by: Rev. Dr. Isidor Kalisch and Knut Stenring
Two Versions, Explaining Jewish Mystical Philosophy and the Cabala
Considered to be the oldest known Jewish mystical text and now an important part of Cabalistic studies. First appeared in historical records during the first century C.E., but its principles were passed down for centuries before this.
Written from the perspective of an observer who describes the work of God’s creation step by step, as it unfolds. Having access to two separate translations in one volume is of immense importance. Often considered a meditative text, as presented in the first version by Kalisch, and also as a magical text, as found in the second version by Stenring. Kalisch provides original Hebrew on one page, with its English translation on the other.
ISBN 9781585092826 • 128 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $12.95