Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Key of the Mysteries

Author: Eliphas Levi and Aleister Crowley
In the introduction Aleister Crowley, who translated the book, called it the masterpiece of Levi. Eliphas Levi, reveals how to use the most hidden of occult secrets to reach the highest order of the human mind. He shows that the key to the world’s mysteries resides on a higher plane that can only be accessed by reconciling the contradictions found in the dualism of reality. This book explores the absolute knowledge of good and evil, why alchemy is the daughter of the Qabalah, secrets of life and death, the astral world, and the deeper mysteries of religion, including the Christian Cross. It also covers Spiritualism, the Tarot, mesmerism, mediumship, magnetic powers, and various forms of magic that may be used to invoke either angels or demons. Levi was legendary and this book shows why.
ISBN 9781585093762 • 214 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $17.95
Magic White and Black

Author: Franz Hartman
This inspiring book has been recommended to others for decades and has become a classic in the field of magic, metaphysics and spirituality. The title is misleading because there is much more covered that goes far beyond magic. Subjects include Spiritual Law in the Natural World, Consciousness, The Spiritual Body, Karma, Transformations, Meditation, Alchemy, Magicians and Mediums, Theosophy, and Divine Wisdom: the Realization of Truth.
This is the perfect book for those interested in the fundamental elements of Magic and its philosophy and purpose. Additional subjects include the philosopher¿s stone, the true cross, forbidden knowledge, Rosicrucian wisdom, states after death and the inner world.
ISBN 9781585092611 • Size: 6×9 • 300 pages • Price: $24.95
The Leyden Papyrus

Author: F. Ll. Griffith
Editor: Herbert Thompson
This Egyptian book of magic includes powerful spells passed down through the ages. It was discovered in the mid-1800s and, after being carefully pieced together, formed a fifteen-foot strip of papyrus containing intriguing spells and potions that could actually be used today. It is believed that this was once the book of a practicing sorcerer, who collected and used its contents on a regular basis. It includes potions, spells and incantations that claim to invoke the god Thoth and bring good fortune, make magic ointments, do healings, invoke Anubis and release the dead, create visions, remove evil magic, conjure spirits, do divination with the use of a lamp, blind or kill your enemies, grant favor for oneself, use various forms of sex magic, and much more.
Includes the original Egyptian demotic script on facing pages to the translation. The editors break down the different forms of magic involved, and show how and why the manuscript was influenced by Greek magic, Gnostic beliefs of the day, and other forms of magical traditions. Well researched and includes extensive footnotes. This book is an essential addition to any practicing magician or researcher into the culture and beliefs of ancient Egypt.
ISBN 9781585090051 • 218 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $17.95
The Works of Aleister Crowley Vol. 3
Author: Aleister Crowley
His work from 1904-1907, is mostly mystical poetry along with an Epilogue containing a scathing indictment of religion. Contains a more flamboyant tone, which carried over into his next great achievement, The Equinox. Almost half this volume contains the poem Orpheus: A Lyrical Legend, which glorifies mythical characters with complex rhyming schemes that mirror his later incantations to various gods.
ISBN 9781585093526 • Size: 6×9 • 258 pages • Price: $19.95
The Works of Aleister Crowley Vol. 2

Author: Aleister Crowley
His work from 1902-1905, covers eastern religion, mystical poetry, and his first important works in the area of magick. The Sword of Song, aka Book of the Beast, is where he first appears as “The Beast.” Also includes his complete views on Buddhism and reveals its connection to modern science. Ambrosii Magi HortusRosarum references magick, alchemy, and Quabalistic knowledge; Essays in Ontology tries to reconcile Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism through the use of mathematics rather than spiritual or theological concepts. The Excluded Middle and TIME are philosophical satires, and more.
ISBN 9781585093519 • Size: 6×9 • 292 pages • Price: $22.95