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Author: Thomas Troward
For the advanced student of mental science there is no better book. The author was a major pioneer in the New Thought movement, often called “the Father of New Thought” in England. This philosophy, referred to as mental science by Troward, bridges the gap between the inner world of thoughts and the physical universe. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the power of the mind and New Thought ideas.
The late professor William James of Harvard said, “Far and away the ablest statement of that philosophy that I have met, beautiful in its sustained clearness of thought and style – a real classic statement.” Chapters include Spirit and Matter, The Higher Mode of Intelligence Controls the Lower, The Unity of the Spirit, Intuition, Healing, In Touch with the Sub-Conscious Mind, The Body, The Soul, The Spirit, and more. If one knows how to harness the power of the mind then much more can be accomplished that might not otherwise be possible. This book can help in that regard.
ISBN 9781585092888 • 140 pages • Price: $13.95

Author: Frank Townshend
Intro: Paul Tice
This book is a celebration of the earth and the beauty of life. Much like his other book, Heaven, it is written in poetic verse but reads more like a story. It shares powerful insights and lessons which have inspired one reviewer to call it, “the most important book ever written about mankind and our relationship to all things.”
The author, Frank Townshend, was a philosopher, poet and prophet who shares visions of a hopeful future for humanity. He ridicules the current world philosophy based on material profit, but refuses to be regretful for mankind’s situation. He states that all people, all religions, and all thought, are in their proper places in the evolution of the earth. He foresees a coming age that will be the natural outgrowth of the necessary past and the necessary present, in which life will be based on the joy of existing, and every person will find the truth in their own heart.
This book foreshadows a shift in mankind so powerfully, and illustrates it so clearly, that one cannot help but to begin experiencing it for themselves.
ISBN: 9781585093755 • 182 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $16.95
Author: Sir Francis Bacon
Bacon is considered to have been one of the greatest minds to have ever lived. These essays consist of various subjects, giving us a great overview of his thoughts on all facets of life. He did three main releases of The Essays, this edition being a copy of the last one from 1625, when he was in his sixties, containing the most entries.
ISBN: 9781585093328 • 204 pages • Price: $17.95