Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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LOVING YOU: A Journey of Love through Poetry
Author: Vicki Renee
The most important thing to many is their significant other; their true love. This is a beautiful message that evolved out of the author’s tragic loss. It can bring a deep appreciation to any loving relation- ship, or comfort those with a loss. The author has won numerous awards for her poetry over a twenty-year period, and has been published in anthologies in the United States and Europe. With the joys, sadness and acceptance of loss comes the knowingness that love never dies.
ISBN 9781585091331 • 136 pages • $14.95

Author: Frank Townshend
Out of thousands of spiritual books, this one is different. It is written in the style of poetic verse, but reads more like a story–but not any story. The author takes the reader through a tour of heaven, a lucid, step-by-step journey that imparts lessons along the way. Here, we are shown an ideal state beyond this world, where man’s lost hopes and hidden desires find eternal fruition. The conclusions one may arrive at are positive and moving because the journey brings you there naturally, making perfect sense as it leads you through one amazing spiritual doorway after another.
This tour through heaven visits the Palace of Ease and Perfect Comfort, the Temple of Fame, The Hall of Unfeigned Beliefs, the Palace of Cause and Effect, the Hall of Superior Knowledge, the House of Excellent Motives, the Court of the Eternal Present, the Palace of Progress, a climb up the Mountain of Meditation, a meeting with God, and lastly, a visit to three cities that help usher in the arrival at Eternal Life. These profound and final visits bring one to the end of the book, giving us pause to reflect on man’s potentials. So bright is his vision of the potentialities of man, that we return from this spiritual odyssey with a clearer perception of essential truths and with a renewed courage for living.
ISBN 9781585093748 • 108 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $11.95

Author: Paul Tice.
A collection of quotes by radical, interesting, and forward-thinking people.
Includes quotes from C.G. Jung, Alan Watts, Joseph Campbell, Einstein, Wilhelm Reich, Colin Wilson, Timothy Leary, Emerson, and Mark Twain, to name a few.
51 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • booklet
This is a paper booklet and is only available directly through the Book Tree.

Author: Frank Townshend
Intro: Paul Tice
This book is a celebration of the earth and the beauty of life. Much like his other book, Heaven, it is written in poetic verse but reads more like a story. It shares powerful insights and lessons which have inspired one reviewer to call it, “the most important book ever written about mankind and our relationship to all things.”
The author, Frank Townshend, was a philosopher, poet and prophet who shares visions of a hopeful future for humanity. He ridicules the current world philosophy based on material profit, but refuses to be regretful for mankind’s situation. He states that all people, all religions, and all thought, are in their proper places in the evolution of the earth. He foresees a coming age that will be the natural outgrowth of the necessary past and the necessary present, in which life will be based on the joy of existing, and every person will find the truth in their own heart.
This book foreshadows a shift in mankind so powerfully, and illustrates it so clearly, that one cannot help but to begin experiencing it for themselves.
ISBN: 9781585093755 • 182 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $16.95