The Gnosis ( Hardcover )

2023-06-24T21:23:27-07:00June 8th, 2023|Catalog, Gnosis / Hermeticism, Hardcover Editions|

Subtitle: Or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures Author: William Kingsland Goes back to the foundational teachings of Christianity and demonstrates that they were actually derived from the Gnosis, or Ancient Wisdom. Gnosis is a Greek word meaning “knowledge,” or “to know.” In the [...]

The Fairy Kingdom ( Hardcover )

2023-06-19T21:10:38-07:00June 8th, 2023|Catalog, Hardcover Editions, Mythology|

Author: Geoffry Hodson Are fairies real? What about gnomes, brownies, devas, angels, fauns, mannikins and nature spirits? Hodson explores the reality of all these beings and more in this entertaining and informative book. ISBN 9781585095209 • 124 pages • Size: 6x9 • Price: $26.95 [...]

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