Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Life and Times of Tut-Ankh-Amen

Author: Bishara Nahas
Provides fascinating information about the famous boy king of Egypt, Tut-Ankh-Amen, and ancient Egypt in general. Beyond a standard textbook, from an Egyptian author who was former director of several important archaeological excavations in Egypt.
ISBN 1585090875 • 112 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95
Enuma Elish Vol 1 & 2 – Complete Edition

Author: L. W. King
Both volumes are bound together as one book.
ISBN 1585090433 • 496 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $38.90
Enuma Elish Vol. 2
Subtitle: The Seven Tablets of Creation; The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind
Author: L. W. King
Volume Two includes Other Accounts of Creation, an Assyrian “Tower of Babel” story, supplementary texts showing the actual cuneiform tablets and the Index for both volumes.
ISBN 1585090425 • 260 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $19.95
Enuma Elish Vol. 1
Subtitle: The Seven Tablets of Creation; The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind
Author: L. W. King
The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World and of Mankind. The Enuma Elish is one of the oldest stories known to mankind. It is a story first written down by the ancient Sumerians thousands of years ago. As a one time assistant in the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum. L.W. King provides us with a qualified translation of the tables which were originally written in cuneiform script.
The Enuma Elish is receiving renewed interest from modern researchers delving into the origins of mankind, the earth, and the solar system. Over the centuries a copy ended up in the library at Nineveh in the 7th century B.C., and was uncovered by archaeologists in the late 1800s. Written to cuneiform text and preserved on seven clay tables, the entire story was called “The Seven Tablets of Creation.” After being translated the story revealed how the planets became aligned, how a cosmic catastrophe affected the earth, how mankind came upon the scene, and how the “gods” played a role in all of it.
The Seven Tablets of Creation have had many profound implications since they were first discovered and subsequently published. They predate many parts of the Book of Genesis as well as other worldwide creation myths. Volume One includes this epic poem’s English translation. It also includes information on parallels in Hebrew literature, the date and origin of the Babylonian creation legends, and more. Volume Two includes other accounts of creation, an Assyrian “Tower of Babel” story, and supplementary texts showing the actual cuneiform tablets.
ISBN 1585090417 • 236 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $18.95
The Epic of Gilgamesh

Subtitle: An Old Babylonian Version
Author: Morris Jastrow and Albert T. Clay
This epic poem is the oldest known in history, predating Homer’s Iliadby about 1500 years. Gilgamesh, the hero, discovers he has godly blood so sets out on a journey to the land of the gods in an attempt to gain entry. It is an ancient Sumerian tale from Mesopotamia. An important work for those studying ancient literature, history and mythology. This Babylonian version may be the oldest. Later renditions embellish the story, so this work is important for researchers. It is also an interesting and enjoyable tale.
ISBN 1585092142 • 112 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95